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Caught on video: small plane makes spectacular emergency landing on highway near Quebec City
A small plane (Piper PA-28 Cherokee) caused a stir this morning when it landed on a highway near Quebec City. Motorists who were driving on Highway 40 near the municipality of St-Augustin-de-Desmaures alerted the police around 10:40 a.m. Sgt. Helene Nepton of the provincial police said the aircraft landed without incident, and nobody on the plane or on the highway was injured. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Excellent piloting job putting it down between the two sets of overhead signs. As the old saying goes, "Any landing you can walk away from is acceptable; any landing where you can fly the plane the next day is excellent."
Very nice landing. I was amused at the folks filming the landing. They just kept on driving, like it was not a big deal.
They got places to be, probably.
At the end of the video they just looked at their right like it was another slow car. Great landing btw!
Oh that was awesome, merged smoothly right into traffic using the "vertical" lane. It almost looked like he was going to take the exit and leave the highway.