Happy Valentine's Day! 

The World’s Best Query-Based Flight Tracking and Flight Status API

AeroAPI® (formerly FlightXML) delivers customized access to developers seeking data from millions of flight status inputs for any application using REST/JSON.

Start making queries to power your application. Compare Tiers Now

Key Features

  • Easy to integrate, flexible, and scalable
  • Modern REST-based
  • Compatible with all programming languages
  • Comprehensive developer documentation and interactive portal
  • 99.5% uptime guarantee available
  • Customizable aviation data to meet your unique application needs
  • Current and historical flight data
  • Real-time and configurable flight event alerts
  • Predictive ETAs, powered by FlightAware Foresight
  • Continuous delivery of new functionality, including new hold detection alerting and impending arrival and departure alerts New!

Query Flight Data on Demand

AeroAPI is a simple, query-based API that gives software developers access to a variety of FlightAware's flight data. Users can obtain current or historical data. AeroAPI is a RESTful API delivering accurate and actionable aviation data. With the introduction of FlightAware Foresight, customers have access to the data that powers over half of the predictive airline ETAs in the US.

Query AeroAPI for Flights Based on a Combination Of Properties Including

  • Flight or tail number
  • Origin and/or destination airport
  • Aircraft type
  • A low-to-high range of altitude
  • A low-to-high range of groundspeed

Retrieve Flight Data Through AeroAPI Including:

  • Flight or tail number
  • Aircraft type
  • Origin and/or destination airport
  • Time last position was received
  • Longitude, latitude, groundspeed and altitude
  • FlightAware Foresight, FlightAware’s predictive ETAs
  • Historical flight status and tracks New!
  • And more

Obtain airport-centric data via the API, including:

  • Scheduled flights
  • Departed flights
  • En route flights
  • Arrived flights

AeroAPI Code Snippets

import requests

apiKey = input("API Key: ")
apiUrl = "https://aeroapi.flightaware.com/aeroapi/"

airport = 'KSFO'
payload = {'max_pages': 2}
auth_header = {'x-apikey':apiKey}

response = requests.get(apiUrl + f"airports/{airport}/flights",
    params=payload, headers=auth_header)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Error executing request")
String apiUrl = "https://aeroapi.flightaware.com/aeroapi/";

String airport = "KSFO";

HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
	.uri(URI.create(apiUrl + "airports/" + airport + "/flights"))
	.headers("x-apikey", YOUR_API_KEY)
HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

if (response.statusCode() == 200) {
	System.out.println("responseBody: " + response.body());
$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
$fxmlUrl = "https://aeroapi.flightaware.com/aeroapi/";

$ident = 'SWA45';
$queryParams = array(
	'max_pages' => 2
$url = $fxmlUrl . 'flights/' . $ident . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('x-apikey: ' . $apiKey));

if ($result = curl_exec($ch)) {
	echo $result;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace AeroApi4Sample
    public class FlightsResult
        public List<Flight> Flights { get; set; }

    public class Flight
        public string Ident { get; set; }

        public string FaFlightId { get; set; }

        public DateTime ScheduledOut { get; set; }
        public DateTime? ActualOut { get; set; }

    public class Program
        static void Main( string[] args )
            Console.Write( "API Key: " );
            var strApiKey = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write( "Ident to look up (e.g., UAL47): " );
            var strIdentToLookUp = Console.ReadLine();

            var flights = GetFlights( strApiKey, strIdentToLookUp ).Result;
            if( flights == null )

            var nextFlightToDepart = flights.Where( 
                f => f.ActualOut == null 
                ).OrderBy( f => f.ScheduledOut ).First();

                    "Next departure of {0} is {1} at {2}", 

        private static async Task<List<Flight>> GetFlights( string strApiKey, string strIdent )
            using( var client = new HttpClient() )
                    new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue( "application/json" )

                FlightsResult flightResult = null;
                var response = await client.GetAsync(
                    "https://aeroapi.flightaware.com/aeroapi/flights/" + strIdent
                var contentStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();

                if( response.IsSuccessStatusCode )
                    flightResult = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<FlightsResult>(
                        new JsonSerializerOptions 
                            PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "API call failed: " + response );
                    return null;

                return flightResult.Flights;

More detailed AeroAPI examples can be viewed here.

AeroAPI Query Fees

A single Query may return one-to-many results, dependent upon the type of call being made and the input parameters provided. For pricing purposes, a 'result set' is defined as 15 results (records). Pricing is per result set. Pricing is subject to change.

Note: The max_pages input parameter can be used to limit/control how many result sets will be returned, with one page being equivalent to one result set.

Start making queries today! Compare Tiers

Volume Discounting

All Premium and Standard tier accounts are eligible for volume discounting. The first $1000 of usage per month is always billed at list price, followed by each incremental level of usage being discounted at a more generous level. For monthly usage above $64,000 the discount is set at 94% off, which will enable you to continue to grow your applications and take full advantage of new features with minimal variance in total monthly cost.

Please contact FlightAware for more information regarding additional discounting available with 3 or 4 year term commitments.

Used by Organizations Across the World

Frequently Asked Questions

How am I charged when the API returns multiple results for one query?

In general, you are charged once per query. However, for queries that may return multiple pages of results (defined as sets of up to 15 results), you will be charge for the total number of pages returned (calculated as the per-query fee times the number of pages returned). You can control the maximum number of pages returned by the API for one query. Please refer to the API documentation for details on how to set the "max_pages" parameter.

How can I view my AeroAPI billing status?

Existing customers can visit the AeroAPI portal to see accrued charges.


FlightAware's API for flight status, flight tracking and aviation data can be accessed via REST and the API can be accessed using any programming language.


Please visit our FAQ to find answers to general questions or check out our discussion forum for more in-depth information.


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