Elmendorf Afb Airport (Anchorage, AK) EDF Comentários
Type | Remark |
E60-34 | BAK-12B (1488 ft) (5994 ft) |
E60-24 | BAK-12B (8218 ft) (2622 ft) (568 ft) |
E60-16 | BAK-12B (1498 ft) (6004 ft) |
E60-06 | BAK-12B (1770 ft) (7366 ft) (9420 ft) |
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: overhead 1700 ft MSL, conventional 1200 ft MSL, helicopter/light 800 ft MSL. |
A43-24 | PAPI unusable beyond 7 deg right of centerline. |
A43-06 | PAPI unusable beyond 8 degrees either side of centerline. |
A30-16/34 | Closed indefinitely. |
A26 | Airport rescue and fire fighting faa index D/ category 8/10. |
A110-99 | Elbow end of runway and taxiway R restricted to fighters only when fighters staged on elbow end of runway. |
A110-94 | H24 weather - D317-552-4903/4397/C907-552-4903/4397. |
A110-92 | Rcr/rsc and field rcr - air traffic control tower. Runway cond code and ficon not rptd. |
A110-91 | NON-AMC rqrg 732 ams maintenance service exp psbl delay. |
A110-9 | Ftr arrival exp rdcd sepn; same type aircraft and daylight 3000 ft; dissimilar aircraft and/or night 6000 ft; ahd/bhnd frmn landing 6000 ft. |
A110-89 | Transient alert service limited to pol service, intake, magnetic chip detector and end of runway insp. |
A110-88 | Except elmendorf majcom exer, deployed or staged units contact 3 wg scheduled D317-552-2406 or C907-552-2406 asap for tower area briefing, maintenance sponsorship and visiting unit smtn req form for 3 og/cc apvl prior to tower operations. |
A110-86 | Tower sorties or deploying to or out of elmendorf afb must have maintenance psnl req to cmplt operations; inclg DE-ICE psnl during cold weather. Deployed aircraft trans alert support na beyond initial block in. |
A110-85 | Amc assigned msn aircraft exp maintenance service by 732 ams. |
A110-84 | Aircraft req cables DE-RIGGED contact base operations 24 hr prior to arrival or req prior to prior permission required issued. |
A110-83 | Normal barrier configuration during ftr fly window leaves 5675 ft btw cables on runway 06/24, outside of ftr fly windows there is 7658 ft btw cables. |
A110-81 | Submit prior permission required form in the paed giant report stif to [email protected] no earlier than 30 days and no later than 48 hr prior to arrival. Prior permission required issued no earlier than 7 days prior to arrival. |
A110-80 | Prior permission required non jber assigned aircraft except tower training NON-EXPLOSIVE laden amcc aircraft. NON-FUNDED ustranscom, amc, 18AF or mov priority 3A1 or blw prior permission required bfr arrival - airport manager. |
A110-8 | During vmc departure/missed approaches/go arounds; aircraft shall mntn at or blw 1200 ft mls until departure end of runway 06. |
A110-79 | Cust and ag insp rqr to contact base operations at least 90 minimum prior to arrival. |
A110-76 | Airfield mgmt comsec storage na; comsec storage - command post D317-552-3000. |
A110-75 | Taxiway N2 and N5 closed. |
A110-73 | Ctn: unlgt trrn 0 ft AGL/341 ft MSL 1909 ft prior to threshold 1914 ft R of course. |
A110-72 | Dv spots 1 and 3 limited to wingspans 136 ft or less. |
A110-66 | Ctn: ifr operations btw 1500-2000 MSL from bgq 092/10 into R2203-EDF 320/07 in vicinity of big lake, palmer, birchwood, goosebay and wasilla ak; MON-SAT 0300-0800Z++ and tues and thu 1800-2200Z++. |
A110-59 | Nvd operations runway 06/24 monday - friday 0400-1000Z++. |
A110-57 | Iff service available. |
A110-5 | Quiet hr 0630-1400Z wkday; 0630-1600Z weekend and holiday; amc aircraft exempt. |
A110-35 | Fluid: presair and NITROGEN-LHNIT. |
A110-33 | Oil: O-123, O-128, O-133, O-148, O-156, joap. |
A110-31 | Change jet aircraft starting units (jet air start unit) to, (A/M32A-86) , MC-1A) , (MC-2A) , (AM32A-60A) . (AM32-95) 150 +/-5 lbs/minimum (2055 +/-68CFM) at 51 +/-02 psia. Lass 150 +/-5 lbs/minimum @ 49 +/-2 psia. |
A110-30 | Joap, joint oil analysis program available. lhnit, low and high pres nitrogen svcg available. Joap and low and high pres nitrogen service during duty hours; after hr on req. DE-ICE, type 1 DE-ICE liftoff P-88; type 4 ANTI-ICE clariant safewing MP-LAUNCH. |
A110-3 | Preventive maintenance: tacan wed and fri 1600-1700Z; ils tue and thu 1500-1700Z; par SAT-SUN 1800-2000Z; asr SAT-SUN 2000-2200. |
A110-27 | Limited weekend maintenance service. |
A110-25 | Spec air traffic control rules FAR part 93; see reg notices in suppl. |
A110-23 | Fqt act in R2203; when una to avoid contact air traffic control tower. |
A110-2 | Hgr space and warm storage limited OCT-MAY. |
A110-14 | Hold short line signs na on intersecting runways. |
A110-13 | Mntn idle power on outboard eng during tax. |
A110-100 | Una to meet R2203 departure rstrns advise air traffic control prior; csdr runway 24 departure. See air traffic control notes in giant rprt. |
A110-10 | Ctn: ridge extdg from 260-020 deg 1-2 mi from tower prevents fog obs ovr knik arm. Vis may drop rapidly as fog pours ovr ridge. |
A110*G | This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey. |
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