E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: 1200' AGL SINGLE-ENG; 1700' AGL TWIN-ENG. |
A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed activate REIL runway 21; MIRL runway 03/21 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-UL94 | UL94 available at SELF-SERVE island. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 100LL full service only. |
A14 | [email protected] |
A110-9 | Runway 03/21 departure end approx 1000 ft from residential homes. Extended high power settings on RUN-UP or departure negatively impact the community. |
A110-7 | Intersection departures and frmn landings/departures prohibited. |
A110-5 | Helicopter flight training operations prohibited; helicopter operations approach airport bdry at midfield at or above 900 ft MSL. |
A110-28 | For clearance when air traffic control tower closed contact socal approach at 800-448-3724. |
A110-27 | Aircraft must now exit the runway at dsgnd connector taxiways. The cons runway exit sys is no longer available. |
A110-26 | The paved areas precdg the runway 3-21 thresholds are not available for landing, takeoff, or taxi operations. The paved areas are now blast pads created from the THRS' relocation and runway length reduction in december 2017. |
A110-25 | Tsnt prkg south side, next to beacon. |
A110-24 | Pure jet and stage II (with/without hush kits) prohibited. |
A110-23 | Ifr jets and turboprops contact ground prior to eng start. |
A110-22 | Turbine aircraft and aircraft over 12,000 lbs prohibited on south side tsnt pkng. |
A110-20 | Curfew: no eng starts, apu, or takeoffs except prior permission required lifeguard flts 2300-0700 monday - friday and 2300-0800 wkends. |
A110-19 | Prior permission required EX-MIL aircraft contact airport manager (310) 458-8692. |
A110-18 | Noise lmts all aircraft: pure jet and stage II (with/without hushkits) prohibited. Max noise limit 95.0 dba sngl event noise exposure level (senel) rcrdd 2200 ft extended centerline. |
A110-17 | Cons noise ordinance in efct contact noise office for procs (310) 458-8692. |
A110-16 | Eng maintenance RUN-UP: jets and turboprops north side, wi 300 ft east of taxiway A4. Piston sngls and twins on south side, wi 300 ft east of taxiway B4. 0900-1700 only. |
A110-15 | If departure north, no right turns bfr rchg shoreline. Runway 03 departure no turns prior to 405 freeway located 1 mi east. |
A110-14 | VFR departures runway 21 turn left 10 degrees over smo VOR then turn right 225 degrees |
A110-13 | No touch/go, stop/go, or low approach permitted on sat, sunday, hols; weekdays SS-0700. |
A110-12 | Prior permission required required for dw aircraft in excess of 60000 lbs crtfyd max landing wt, contact airport manager 310-458-8692. |