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Embraer ERJ-190 (N304JB) - Blueprint Special Livery RWY27 arrival br /a rel=nofollow href=http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/todayinthesky/2017/02/21/jetblue-rolls-out-special-blueprint-livery-embraer-e190/98187516/http://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/todayinthesky/2017/02/21/jetblue-rolls-out-special-blueprint-livery-embraer-e190/98187516//a
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real


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Derek Marshall
Fantastic shot John
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Derek !
Dave Sheehy
Outstanding John! 5*
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Dave !
Rich Barnett
Great shot John, your camera lens has a killer view!
Chris lanno
Terrific shot John. The best one I've seen yet of this one.
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Rich !
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Chris !
Darryl Sarno
Great shot John!
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you DD !
Alan BigSky
Excellent photo and what a fun livery!
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Alan !
Jon Supernaw
Jodi Jones
love the pic!
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Jon Supernaw !
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Jones !
steve salisbury
John is the man
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you Mr. Salisbury !
daniel jef
WOW great shot there bro!!
JM32Photo Uploader
Thank you daniel jef !
John Giambone
Picture Perfect Shot! Great Job!
anthony geinopolos
Amazing livery
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