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Another super jumbo shook A380 in Mum
People inside an Airbus A380 feel very safe because they know they are inside the world's largest commercial airliner. But now, they would do well to be wary of another aircraft of the same size. The severe turbulence caused on a Mumbai-bound Singapore Airlines (SIA) Airbus A380 that left 22 people on board injured on Saturday night may have been caused by another A380. Preliminary investigation by the directorate general of civil aviation (DGCA) has indicated that another super jumbo may… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I personally think they are grasping at straws or something easy. I don't think 15' will make that much difference, and these have been flying for several years and no other happenings.
So the investigators are deliberately approaching the problem wrongly for ulterior reasons or they are just idiots or what ?
IDK; I think it was something right there up front and made the job easier for the moment. Definitely not their final answer.
ThanX. I'll stop at this. But true professionals are not expected to use words that can be misconstrued much less making a clear cut incomplete technical statement like that the a/c suffered turbulence due to wake of another a/c !
10-4, they did say MAY but you are correct. Better to have not said anything at all until sure, of which they aren't.
Sorry for dragging. Even the sentences using words like "may" should be correct on the touchstone of science.
They should not be used at all. They carry much more weight than normal coning from such a body
More over accepting that in the current example the wake is effective upto 985 ft., fixing a limit of 1000 ft. separation seems illogical, a clearance of just 15 ft., unless some of you pilots can claim that instruments are so good and precise that you can safely fly within accuracy of inches ! I hope guys from insurance companies are also reading with interest.
Do fill me in please.