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Embraer 170/175 (VH-ZHA)
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Embraer 170/175 (VH-ZHA)

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Gavin Hughes
Now there's piece of history.
Brian WilkesPhoto Uploader
Long gone Gavin...........
mike prendergast
Brian,Sadly VB VA never had the plan to turn a profit:(
Brian WilkesPhoto Uploader
Yes just my 2 cents worth (I'm NO corp mastermind) Their mistakes:
Turning to a full service airline.
New Boss with to many bad idea's!
International services, didn't really work. Including their NZ ops.
VARA and the purchase of Skywest in Perth.
The purchase of the E170/190. Although I think I might have made these aircraft types work on the in OZ market.
And the ATR Purchase.........WTF?

Just opinion????
Gavin Hughes
I heard once that the pilots loved the Embraers, called them Ferraris.
mike prendergast
Agreed Brian.Nice pic all the Same!
Robert Cowling
I heard people talking about how close Australia was to New Zealand, until I got there. It's not close. It was a 3 hour flight from Auckland to Sydney. Awesome shot!
That's correct Robert. AKL to SYD is about the same distance as from Miami all the way up to Boston.
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