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Hawker Hunter (HB-RVV) - Zigermeet 2016 - Mollis (LSMF)/CH
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Hawker Hunter (HB-RVV)

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Zigermeet 2016 - Mollis (LSMF)/CH


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Alan Brown
Great photo! You gotta love that paint job!
Benjamin Taub
Great camouflage if you happen to be flying over a field of Bengal tigers!
Stephen Graham
Per Benjamin's comment, can someone explain that paint job? Was it ever used?
murliFAPhoto Uploader
This Hunter was a jet of the Swiss Airforce Sqn 11, and the symbol of this squadron is a tiger-head... so this ex Sqn-11 jet is in the tiger-look.
david jennings
Further to the issue of the paint job, if you enlarge the picture you can see the tiger head just below the front of the cockpit.....daj
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