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BOEING 747SP (HZ-AIF) - Saudi B747SP arrival to Logan on 09/18/11.
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Saudi B747SP arrival to Logan on 09/18/11.


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SP !!
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thanks John and yes love the SP!!!
Gary Schenauer
DAAAANG, Darryl!! This is an OUTSTANDING capture!!! Once again, I am officially jealous -- you have nailed the perfect 747SP pic here. There are timnes when FA's 5 star "rating" system just doesn't allow a truly accurate score ... and this is one of those times. At least ten *s here. Congrats on this superb snap.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thanks Gary and always appreciate your kind words and your photos too!
Leander Williams
Always loved the SP. A lot of people don't remember them. Maybe someone should post a side-by-side
photo of the SP and the 400 to put them into context.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thanks Leander and I love the SP as well. Seeing a comparison to the B744 or even the B748 would be quite a perspective.
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