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Antonov Antheus (UR-82060)
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Antonov Antheus (UR-82060)

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Gavin Hughes
Never fails to impress. Notice the 'type' is incorrect, Radist. If you change it to A225, it will be corrected.
Antonov An-225 Mriya
doug marshburn
This A/ C has been quite active on radar lately moving c 19 supplies , great shot .We had this a/c come into our local airport but I didn't find out in time to go out .
Bror Monberg
Good photo tour of the An225. Lots of 360deg cockpit shots/discussion. Shows crew quarters and info what it takes to fly this amazing a/c. https://thepointsguy.com/news/photo-tour-antonov-an-225-largest-aircraft/
Bror Monberg
Good photo tour of the An225. Lots of 360deg cockpit shots/discussion. Shows crew quarters and info what it takes to fly this amazing a/c. https://thepointsguy.com/news/photo-tour-antonov-an-225-largest-aircraft/
Leander Williams
I have had the privilege of seeing this beast in person twice at Oakland International. Once in the late 80s, and in 2018.
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