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Embraer Legacy 550 (N557MG) - An Embraer Praetor 600 arriving Pryor regional Airport, Decatur, AL - afternoon of August 17, 2020. As far as I could research, this is one of only 13 Praetor 600's currently in existence.
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Embraer Legacy 550 (N557MG)

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An Embraer Praetor 600 arriving Pryor regional Airport, Decatur, AL - afternoon of August 17, 2020. As far as I could research, this is one of only 13 Praetor 600's currently in existence.


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robin guess
@rwb The Praetor 600 is the name that Embraer give to there upgraded Legacy models. They feature more range and larger winglets. The 600 has a range of 4000 miles with 4 passengers and can take off from a 4500 foot runway.
Paul Wisgerhof
The serial number of this one ends in "113" so you may be right.
George Maidens
Rick Finch, Paul Wisgerhof. Well, this site shows 39 Praetor 600s, and counting. https://www.laasdata.com/corpjet/corpjet-by-type.php?t=70
Rick FinchPhoto Uploader
Thanks, George!
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