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Grumman EF-111 Raven (A8134) - Adelaide, South Australia, March 14, 2010. Dump and burn departure after its high speed run over the crowd at the Adelaide Clipsal 500 V8 car race event.br /br /This is a General Dynamics F-111C not a Grumman EF-111 Raven. FA does not have a correct aircraft category for F-111s other than the Raven.
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Grumman EF-111 Raven (A8134)

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Adelaide, South Australia, March 14, 2010. Dump and burn departure after its high speed run over the crowd at the Adelaide Clipsal 500 V8 car race event.

This is a General Dynamics F-111C not a Grumman EF-111 Raven. FA does not have a correct aircraft category for F-111s other than the Raven.


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Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Starting back in 1985 when the first Formula 1 Grand Prix was held in Adelaide, the RAAF provided aircraft for displays before the big event. Adelaide lost the Grand Prix to Melbourne in 1995 but in its place we got the opening race of the V8 Supercars season and the RAAF continued its traditional air displays, ending with a high speed flight over the event as the race commenced.

RAAF formation flying demonstration team, the Roulettes, frequently appeared along with at least one other aircraft presenting another display. We’d get either Orions, or F-18s or an F-111 and there was always a fairly good gathering of aviation enthusiasts outside the event for the air displays and helicopter movements - joyrides and media flights.
a mentor
quite correct @Gavin -- the ECM pod the the vertical stab is missing :-)
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Richard - they always were, dump and burn of course the most spectacular, but high speed with wings swept - so cool, and the sound was thunderous, shook every bone in your body - yee-ha!
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks a mentor. It would be good if FA could add the type as it would help many folks with photos of the GD F-111s they'd like to upload.
Gary Schenauer
Extraordinary .....
Tom Vance
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