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Canadair CL-1 Catalina (N9767) - On static display at the 2019 Warbirds Over the West fly-in/fundraiser hosted by the B-17 Alliance Museum.
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Canadair CL-1 Catalina (N9767)

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On static display at the 2019 Warbirds Over the West fly-in/fundraiser hosted by the B-17 Alliance Museum.


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jesse kyzer
N9767 (1943 CONSOLIDATED VULTEE 28-5ACF) (PBY/OA-10 Catalina) owned by SOARING BY THE SEA LLC
Some history at: http://www.aerialvisuals.ca/AirframeDossier.php?Serial=72884
John Rumble
Jessie - Thanks for the link . A true survivor
Lucius Gravely
There is a Navy Catalina at NAS JAX. It was FLOWN there many years ago but now just sits gathering dust, mold and pine tree pollen. Sad.
robert kennington
There's one running at Sanford, Maine. They cranked it up inside the hanger, and noted everything was covered with oil! I told my Dad (a WWII Pacific Black Cat pilot) and he said, "I coulda told them that!

His co-pilot began his war experience by being bombed on the USS Arizona,and lives, still, in Grass Valley CA.
a mentor
@Robert: in the '80s we lived next door to a flight engineer for the Pacific Black Cats and F8F-1. Good memories.
Jadon Loveless
I met the guy who owns this exact aircraft, met him during the restoration phase in KEUG.
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