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CHAMPION Decathlon (N178BC)
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CHAMPION Decathlon (N178BC)

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Michael Dunn
I like the picture and the aircraft very much.
Would I be able to get a copy?
That's an 8GCBC "Scout". The Decathalon has a semi-symetrical wing with no flaps.
Donna Yost
Interesting shot with the tail off the ground on a taxiway...Were they using the taxiway as a runway for light a/c?
This shot is on runway 27 at Oshkosh. White markings are used on runways and yellow are used on taxiways.
They do use the taxiways for takeoffs and landings on runway 18/36 but not on runway 27/9.
Nice shot of this Scout with the tail off the ground on rollout.
Oliver RichterPhoto Uploader
BL8 is the correct identifier for the American Champion Scout. Don't know why the system writes "Decathlon".
Deseja um histórico completo para N178BC a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
Data Aeronave Origem Destino Partida Chegada Duração
1 de Mar de 2025 BL8Sunrise Skypark ()Caldwell Exec () 10:13 MST 10:23 MST 0:10
27 de Fev de 2025 BL8Miller Meml Airpark ()Sunrise Skypark () 08:57 PST 10:35 MST 0:37
27 de Fev de 2025 BL8Sunrise Skypark ()Miller Meml Airpark () 08:00 MST 07:38 PST (?) 0:37
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