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Airbus A320 (HL7762) - An Asiana Airbus 320 skidded off runway 28 after hitting radio antennas standing about 325 meters from the edge of the runway. It did a 180 degree turn and came to rest. The visibility was about 300 meters at the time and the PAPI guidance lights could not be seen. The aircraft approached the runway at a too low altitude, thus clipping the antennas. The flight carried 81 passengers including a crew of eight. 27 people got hurt though not seriously. The accident happened at 20:05 on April 14, 2015.
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Airbus A320 (HL7762)

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An Asiana Airbus 320 skidded off runway 28 after hitting radio antennas standing about 325 meters from the edge of the runway. It did a 180 degree turn and came to rest. The visibility was about 300 meters at the time and the PAPI guidance lights could not be seen. The aircraft approached the runway at a too low altitude, thus clipping the antennas. The flight carried 81 passengers including a crew of eight. 27 people got hurt though not seriously. The accident happened at 20:05 on April 14, 2015.


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