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Antonov An-26 (EW-259TG)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Antonov An-26 (EW-259TG)

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Alan Brown
Interesting photo!
Loyd Enochs
unique shot!
Don Hines
Great shot.
Leon Artac
What's loaded in the back.....bodies?
Steven Coker
Bill Gardner
Really kewl picture.. Question though.. Is he loaded with Turkeys? and a chicken standing on top of them?
Bill Gardner
Ok really kewl pic, at first I thought it was turkeys inside with a single chicken on top of them, but if ya really zoom in, they look like bags not body boags but round bags, maybe mail?
but again REALLY NICE PICTURE, thanx for sharing.
Kevin Haiduk
Looks like a giant flying chicken coop.
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