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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972) - The B-29 "Doc" performs a flyby at the Star Spangled Salute air show at Tinker Air Force Base.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972)

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The B-29 "Doc" performs a flyby at the Star Spangled Salute air show at Tinker Air Force Base.


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Gorgeous shot! Very nice!
George Bures
Always great to see a significant and beautiful piece of history fly by.
Tremendous shot! Thank you for sharing
wOw !
Ronald Lindsay
Non pilot just a plane enthusiast. i recall the B50, an improved B29 which could be identified with extended outboard nacelles. Any of these still exist?
Robert Oldershaw
Beautiful - almost looks like a painting.
Park McGraw
It is nice to see in the photo where my father (Flight Engineer) would have been sitting.
Arthur Shulman
Beautiful shot, beautiful airplane.
Mike Curtis
A truly beautiful aircraft, the profile is so clean and aerodynamic, long may she Fly.
Peter Maas
The Air Plane that saved us in World War II. Beautiful picture.
Patrick Côté
What a beautiful airplane
Seth SchubertPhoto Uploader
Thanks for all of the comments everyone!
C.W. Reed
Beyond excellent! props are even "in phase"! 10 stars here , Seth! Thank You! Hoosier Cheers!!
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