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Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (N379PK) - Clarence Emil "Bud" Anderson's King Air at Warbird Roundup 2021, August 29th. He was a guest speaker.
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Beechcraft Super King Air 200 (N379PK)

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Clarence Emil "Bud" Anderson's King Air at Warbird Roundup 2021, August 29th. He was a guest speaker.


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Greg Byington
Nice shot! I got to meet Col. Anderson at the fly in there in Nampa a couple of years ago. It was really interesting to listen to him. He didn't have this King Air with him, though! As he was signing his book for me, I told him that I was retired from the Army, and that I had spent many years in Germany. He thanked me for my service and said that he spent many hours flying over Germany so that I could spend time there later on. Very cool! (His book is: "To Fly and Fight: Memoirs of a Triple Ace." I highly recommend it!)
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