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Boeing 737-800 (N905NN) - The Astrojet retro crossing over on C for a 23L departure. I love this more for the fall foliage than anything, but wow, I still think this is a stunning airplane. Taken from the RDU parking deck on 12/10/17.
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Boeing 737-800 (N905NN)

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The Astrojet retro crossing over on C for a 23L departure. I love this more for the fall foliage than anything, but wow, I still think this is a stunning airplane. Taken from the RDU parking deck on 12/10/17.


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Dave Sheehy
Fantastic picture! 5*++
Greg Byington
That's a very nice shot, Savannah!
Savannah FordPhoto Uploader
Thanks, guys! Spotting at RDU has been a little tricky lately, with construction happening, so there’s arrivals on one runway, departures on another, not to mention weather. I’m glad the light was just right for the taxis on C that day.
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