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North American TB-25 Mitchell (N2825B) - 2014 Labor Day Weekend, American Airpower Museumbr /br /B-25 Miss Hap (One of oldest B-25)
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North American TB-25 Mitchell (N2825B)

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2014 Labor Day Weekend, American Airpower Museum

B-25 Miss Hap (One of oldest B-25)


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William Gordon
Are those props feathered? Is she dead stick?
No and no, do you think anyone would risk that kind of plane and shutdown and feather both engines?
Mark Thomas
125th of a second on the old shutter setting will put a nice blur on the props!
Art Troutman
One look at the blades - and one can tell that they're 'screwing' air! As some call them: "airscrews".
Dave H
A beautiful airplane I hope it stays for all of us to see, the owner or owners did a beautiful job restoring it!
So many amazing multiengine airbirds from WWII. They filled the skies of my youth growing up on Naval Air Stations of the 40's. I can smell the oil and hear the roar. My father was a bombardier on a PB4Y (or B24) in the Pacific. (Phased out at the end of WWII.) He continued in the Navy, mostly on Carriers until his retirement to the fleet reserve after 23 years.
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