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Airbus A380-800 (B-6139)
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Airbus A380-800 (B-6139)

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Just my opinion, but I find the A-380 to be a bloated, out of proportion aircraft. It just doesn't look good to me from any angle. As I said, just my opinion.
Mark Thomas
My opinion too of course but you're absolutely right skyhawkrg. The wings look like they belong on a much larger airplane and it has no 'face', no character. If Airbus gets their way and gets Emirates to pony up for the R&D on a neo version we might see a nicely proportioned A380. But have a look at any first generation airplane and they all look like kids wearing their Dad's workboots! The DC -9's were short and ugly but the stretch versions really look nice...
sam kuminecz
Sky hawk I agree with you...to me the best looking airbus is the A340-600...to me it's a beautiful bird...saw a Virgin Atlantic A346 yesterday at KBUF...GVBLU I believe...I was amazed how it looked flawless on the ground and in the air
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