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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-0549) - After being deiced (see previous photo in my folder), the Nevada Air Guard's "Roller Four Nine" departed.  The heavy fog was gradually burning off by the time "Roller Four Nine" took off from 16R.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (92-0549)

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After being deiced (see previous photo in my folder), the Nevada Air Guard's "Roller Four Nine" departed. The heavy fog was gradually burning off by the time "Roller Four Nine" took off from 16R.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
I was unable to learn where Four Nine was going.
Darryl Sarno
Beautiful shot Gary!
Tom Vance
High Roller auto-5*****
ken kemper
Nice image of High Roller Gary...........
Uwe Zinke
perfect Gary!!!
John Atwater
As part of the High Rollers... was it deiced or "diced"??!!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Darryl, Alien, Ken, and Uwe ... Thnx. Uwe!! >> Hey, how are things over in Germany? You guys staying indoors too because of this COVID stuff? I keep going out to RNO and a couple of times I've met with other photogs to show them around or escort them on to RNO but mostly I go by myself. There are over 30 spotting positions at RNO but there are only 7 "easy" ones that everyone knows -- the rest are where I go and there is no one else there. Be careful over there, Uwe. John >> (Grin) These Rollers are gamblers. Most likely they "diced" it. lol
Deseja um histórico completo para 92-0549 a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
Data Aeronave Origem Destino Partida Chegada Duração
6 de Mar de 2025 UnknownPróximo de Susanville, CAReno/Tahoe Intl () First seen 13:40 PST 14:04 PST 0:24
2 de Mar de 2025 UnknownNellis Air Force Base ()Reno/Tahoe Intl () 19:22 PST 20:41 PST 1:19
2 de Mar de 2025 UnknownReno/Tahoe Intl ()Nellis Air Force Base () 17:35 PST 18:51 PST 1:16
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