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Bell V-22 Osprey (16-8350) - Snapped during a "hot refuel" procedure in which the Osprey is refueled while the props are running. This procedure allows the Osprey to begin taxiing for takeoff the moment the refuel has been completed.
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Bell V-22 Osprey (16-8350)

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Snapped during a "hot refuel" procedure in which the Osprey is refueled while the props are running. This procedure allows the Osprey to begin taxiing for takeoff the moment the refuel has been completed.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The structure off in the distance that is all lit up is the Peppermill.
Joan Williams
Awesome capture! Love it!
Tom Vance
5 "Peppermills" Gman! WOW!! I may get a chance to film one of these soon- rampside and I have to wait for more info later.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Dean >> Thanks. (Wave) Alien >>> SUPER! Please KMA, ok?
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