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Boeing 727-100 (N466FE) - FDX's B727-225 "Gideon" (N466FE), ex-Eastern, ex-Avianca, may be looking a bit weatherbeaten, but it avoided the aircraft graveyard when it was donated to the Aerospace Museum of California at KMCC where it dazzles the youngsters and jogs the memories of the old timers like me. Gideon may be somewhat tired looking but then again, it IS almost a half century old. There is an entire generation of Americans who will never experience the thrill of being a passenger in Boeing's first, and thus far only, T-tail tri. For me, viewing Gideon flashed me back to my flights on American, United, Braniff, Delta, Eastern, and TWA 727s, and the only regret I had seeing Gideon was that the cabin door at the top of those stairs was closed and locked. It might not look it to some folks, but Gideon is a great exhibit.
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Boeing 727-100 (N466FE)

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FDX's B727-225 "Gideon" (N466FE), ex-Eastern, ex-Avianca, may be looking a bit weatherbeaten, but it avoided the aircraft graveyard when it was donated to the Aerospace Museum of California at KMCC where it dazzles the youngsters and jogs the memories of the old timers like me. Gideon may be somewhat tired looking but then again, it IS almost a half century old. There is an entire generation of Americans who will never experience the thrill of being a passenger in Boeing's first, and thus far only, T-tail tri. For me, viewing Gideon flashed me back to my flights on American, United, Braniff, Delta, Eastern, and TWA 727s, and the only regret I had seeing Gideon was that the cabin door at the top of those stairs was closed and locked. It might not look it to some folks, but Gideon is a great exhibit.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
And for any sharp-eyed viewer who may be wondering; yes, that IS a Navy EC-121 "Warning Star" (Lockheed Constellation) in the background. You don't see very many of them around anymore. Another memory jog for old timers like me.
Hi Gary! That looks like an F106 sandwiched between N466FE and the Warning Star.
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Wow. Chris, my friend, YOU have a fantastic eye for certain ... because that is INDEED an F-106. Spotting it despite having that 727 wing in the way is very impressive, so CONGRATS. An interesting bit of info about that particular F-106 is that -- (according to the placard on a post near it) -- it was once involved in a midair collision and had about 14 feet of its nose ripped off. But here it is on display at the museum so obviously it survived the loss of its nose (grin).
Great background info Gary! We have never had a 106 down here in Australia, tho' I think it was seriously considered back in the 1960's up against the Dassault Mirage, but the government at that time went for the French option.
Darryl Sarno
Love the 727 and miss seeing them fly! Great shot Gary!
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