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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N447QX) - Horizons N447QX, a Dash 8, is snapped here as it passes my spotting position on Juliet taxiway while rolling out after landing on KRNOs 16R to complete a flight from San Jose (KSJC). N447QX was recently repainted and now wears the new Alaska Airlines paint scheme, and ... thus far ... its four recent visits to RNO are the only times the new Alaska livery has been seen here.
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de Havilland Dash 8-400 (N447QX)

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Horizon's N447QX, a Dash 8, is snapped here as it passes my spotting position on Juliet taxiway while rolling out after landing on KRNO's 16R to complete a flight from San Jose (KSJC). N447QX was recently repainted and now wears the new Alaska Airlines paint scheme, and ... thus far ... its four recent visits to RNO are the only times the new Alaska livery has been seen here.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
My most appreciative Thanks to the guys in the tower for the impromptu closure of the portion of Juliet between 16R and 16L so that I could position there for photos.
Greg Byington
Well done, Gary!
Tom Vance
We'll have to change your nickname to "McGarrett"....close enough to get 5!
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