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98-0052 — - "The Spirit Of McChord" (98-0052), which was the first C-17A Globemaster III delivered to McChord almost two decades ago, is caught here landing at Reno Tahoe International.br /* As with all my posts, viewing the actual sized picture (FULL) instead of the Medium or Large Thumbnail (preview) versions will provide the best Q. *
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98-0052 —

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"The Spirit Of McChord" (98-0052), which was the first C-17A Globemaster III delivered to McChord almost two decades ago, is caught here landing at Reno Tahoe International.
* As with all my posts, viewing the actual sized picture (FULL) instead of the Medium or Large Thumbnail (preview) versions will provide the best Q. *


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This one fills the frame! "5" stars, Gary!!!
Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
Thanx, Cliff. And Howdy to you.
I actually got captures of this same aircraft three times in less than six weeks. I caught it landing at Travis (KSUU), here at KRNO, and also at its home base (KTCM). I decided to post this snap of it because in this instance I was actually on the airport grounds so it passed over me very low.
And Cliff, I'm away again this week on two single-day, out-and-back "banzai" photo trips, and then I'm away on a week-long spotting trip, but after that, I'll finally have time to start sending along a bunch of excellent snaps. So around about Oct 10th, be expecting email pics to begin arriving. Only a couple a day so as not to overfill your mailbox. (Thumbs Up)
Greg Byington
Hey, that's a great shot, Gary!
Thanks, Gary... I've now got 10 Oct marked on my calendar! That's a great capture on the C-17 Globemaster III. Enjoy your travels, my friend!
Roy Hunte
sam kuminecz
Excellent shot Gary. Any chance you comin back to KBUF? Love to spot with ya
Dave Sheehy
Great shot Gary! Love this angle 5*
Kevin Haiduk
Get in my belly! Great shot!
Dr. Wolfgang Mohr
Big Sexy
Roy Hunte
Dr. Wolfgang, Big Sexy was a KC10 Extender. Just a detail.
Steven H Wilcox
Go US!!
Dirk Fierens
great shot garry 5+
Tom Vance
Talk about "Aluminum Overcast"....! 5* fer sure!
Deseja um histórico completo para 98-0052 a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
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