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TUSAS Cougar (N406RG) - N406RG, a Eurocopter AS 332L Super Puma "Firecat," is being towed by a team of Precision personnel (*see Note) to a static display position for public viewing at the Truckee Tahoe Air Show and Family Fest event at KTRK yesterday (23 Jul 2022). The event, which is usually held annually but was not held last year due to a fatal crash that occurred at the airport a week or so prior to the scheduled event, is 100% free to attendees (free parking and free admission).br /* Note: N406RG was provided (funded) to Precision by the Coldstream Group. *
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TUSAS Cougar (N406RG)

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N406RG, a Eurocopter AS 332L Super Puma "Firecat," is being towed by a team of Precision personnel (*see Note) to a static display position for public viewing at the Truckee Tahoe Air Show and Family Fest event at KTRK yesterday (23 Jul 2022). The event, which is usually held annually but was not held last year due to a fatal crash that occurred at the airport a week or so prior to the scheduled event, is 100% free to attendees (free parking and free admission).
* Note: N406RG was provided (funded) to Precision by the Coldstream Group. *


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
The organizers of TRK's Air Show and Family Fest deserve a cargo plane load full of Kudos. With expenses for just about everything skyrocketing, families (esp families with very young children) are finding that it is simply too expensive to go to summer activities that charge for parking and admission. So for those families to be able to enjoy a day full of aircraft displays, aviation performances, climb-aboard airplanes, police helicopters, and etc., etc. is beyond wonderful! There were thousands of kids with their parents having a fabulous time - for free. Heck, I had just as much fun taking pics of laughing and happy kids (with parental permission, of course) as I did taking pics of aircraft. And it is not only the event organizers who deserve recognition and praise; it is the folks who brought their aircraft to the event AND those who came and gave flying performances. It was a OUTSTANDING day - for the children and for everyone.
Tom Vance
excellent description Gman - next year I'll bring the Bro and girls and have to make it a Fun day Great looking Chopper here,,awesome color and angle! 5x
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