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Piper Navajo (N3BT)
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Piper Navajo (N3BT)

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I wonder if the left engine runs a little hotter in the climb?
John Succop
And how about checking the oil. Not sure I would fly in this bird.
Thomas Harbauer
Damn, that thing needs a bath, maybe a bit more...
Well spotted Bill...very effective cowl flaps in the PA31.
John Rumble
Dirty Bird
Greasy belly.
John Robertson
The black belly streak beginning starboard of the nose gear is from the Janitrol cabin heater. Notorious for emitting lots of black soot.
John Robertson
The black steak starting starboard of the nosegay door is from the Janitrol cabin heater. These gasoline burners are notorious for emitting black soot due to rich burning.
can't afford the operation of one but I've flown them and LOVE it. I certainly would not allow mine to look like that.
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