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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

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Jamar Jackson
just crazy
james peter
The large props remind me of the Vought V-173
alex kropf
is there glass between him and the ground?
Saw one of these the other day walking my dog….DC area….cool watching it flying.
I bet this Aircraft uses lots of fuel...?
@alex nope, no glass.
John Beauchamp
That's what I call a view !
Chris Collinsworth
Is this self services or do they pump it for you? lol jk
Jim Costello
Function must be to rescue or deliver personnel from/to the battlefield. Tanker operative pumps the fuel with automatic cut off at the recipient's end just as at an auto petrol station.
Had many a views like this from the CH-46. My rear M-2 gun station.
If we only had a half dozen of these equipped with GPS @ DESERT ONE back in 1980....
Andre Blanchard
Best seat in the house!
Colton Fletcher
insane pic
Paul Higgins
Is he controlling any of the progue/drouge refueling?
Carson Losey


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