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Boeing JE-3 Sentry (80-0138)
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Boeing JE-3 Sentry (80-0138)

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Robin Rebhan
Al Miller
Talk about "Maximum Flaps"
Mark Lloyd
I used to work on that bird when I was in the Air Force....
Avionics Shop
You can actually stand up inside the saucer.
Goodness sake!!...Avionics Shop comments...really amazing; had no idea...THANXX
Mark Henley
Interesting to see the fairly new ELINT antenna arrays aft of the cockpit ...
doug marshburn
Nice shot @Daniel Jef , can someone answer this ?What's the difference between the JE-3 and the c-135 ? I left the A.F. in 1965 .
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Robin Rebhan thank you
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Al Miller yea your right about that one
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Mark Lloyd O thats great
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Avionics Shop that one i don't know
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Mark Henley that's nice haven't seen it before
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ doug marshburn one is a early warning surveillance aircraft and one is a tanker. stand to be corrected.
Brieuc Bloxam
@dougmarshburn The E-3 Sentry is a modified Boeing 707/320 commercial airframe. The C-135 Stratolifter is a transport aircraft derived from the prototype Boeing 367-80 jet airliner in the early 1950s. It has a narrower fuselage and is shorter than the 707. Boeing gave the aircraft the internal designation of Model 717
Brieuc Bloxam
You can only stand in the rotodome if you are less than 6 feet tall!
Dave Sheehy
Great shot DJ. Thanks for catching it and posting. 5*+++
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Dave Sheehy thank you!!!
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