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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon (93-0540) - Maj. Waters, USAF ACC Viper Demo Team East on takeoff for the twilight performance at Airshow London on Friday 7 Sep 2018.
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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon (93-0540)

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Maj. Waters, USAF ACC Viper Demo Team East on takeoff for the twilight performance at Airshow London on Friday 7 Sep 2018.


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Leon Kay
Thank you for a great shot and informative comment.
gwapo santa
great pic
Not to mention the F-18+ Super Hornets in the foreground.
Ricky Jay
Good shot of the takeoff. I live 3 miles from the London,ON airport so I definitely heard the F-16's
marylou anderson
Nice shot of the bottom of that aircraft.
What are those 18-'s doing for the air show?
Great shot .. Pukin'Dogs in the foreground , & the F-16 w/afterburner. Nice !
Don Lynch
David Seider
Pukin' Dogs!
Love the "143" side number on the Super Bug to the right - squadron CO's bird, I'm going to guess! (Squadron is VFA-143)
Don't even get me started on the F-16 photobomb in the background... Fly Navy!
John Giambone
Very Cool!
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