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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972) - At Barksdale Air Force Base. First time seeing "Doc". Stunning! First photos of "Doc" on FA.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (N69972)

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At Barksdale Air Force Base. First time seeing "Doc". Stunning! First photos of "Doc" on FA.


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Now that's beautiful!
ppickPhoto Uploader
It is a beautiful aircraft! I still like "FiFi" but it's nice to see another B-29 flying again!
Paul... this is truly an outstanding photo capture!!!

*****5 Stars*****

Thanks for sharing this one with us!

Best viewed on "full" screen.
ppickPhoto Uploader
Thank you Cliff. Took those on Friday when "Doc" first arrived before even touching down.
The winds were blowing heavy to the south Friday so we went to our spot runway 33, or else at our spot on 15, we would have been shooting west into the sun.
And yes, has to be viewed in "full". At "small, they could still keep the resolution higher but that is up to FA.
There are more photos of "Doc" on here now since the airshow but I was lucky and got to post the first photos of "Doc" here on FA.
You're very welcome, Paul... and I'm very thankful you were in position this past Friday to capture these first photos of "Doc" to be uploaded on FA!!!
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