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Gulfstream American Gulfstream 2 (N125DC) - Seen here on 30-Oct-17 having arrived on 9-Dec-11.  Registration cancelled 27-Oct-17.
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Gulfstream American Gulfstream 2 (N125DC)

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Seen here on 30-Oct-17 having arrived on 9-Dec-11. Registration cancelled 27-Oct-17.


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Viv Pike
What a sad sight
sam kuminecz
that's a 1969 model G2 serial number 55
Viv Pike
If she has been parking there all alone for the last 6 years, and nobody wants her, I will be happy to have her. Flat tire and all.
sam kuminecz
problem with the G2 is nose abatement, massive fuel consumption, and parts for the rolls Royce spey engines are very hard to come by. its worth more for parts or scrap that to completely restore unfortunately
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