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Daher-Socata TBM-900 (N930BK)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Daher-Socata TBM-900 (N930BK)

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Andre Blanchard
Beautiful photo. The sky makes a vey interestin background. Well done.
Viv Pike
Nice pic. Can anybody enlighten me as to what is that pod-like thing on the left wing? I see the PC-12 has something similar, but on the right wing. What are these things?
Viv Pike, it's a radar pod, hard to put a dish in the spinner on a single engine plane.

Of course this nice photo was found all over the web by Jonathan.

Viv Pike
Jim - thanks for your explanation. And good find on the web, pity that some folk still don't give credit where credit is due.
Deseja um histórico completo para N930BK a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
Data Aeronave Origem Destino Partida Chegada Duração
2 de Mar de 2025 TBM7Buffalo Muni ()Venice Muni () 11:42 CST 16:22 EST 3:40
1 de Mar de 2025 TBM7Próximo de Longville, MNBuffalo Muni () 14:50 CST 15:33 CST 0:42
1 de Mar de 2025 TBM7Buffalo Muni ()Longville Muni () 09:08 CST 09:40 CST 0:31
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