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Piper Cherokee Arrow (N3588M) - Thats a bit close!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Piper Cherokee Arrow (N3588M)

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That's a bit close!


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Torsten Hoff
Horrible, obvious Photoshop.
Kurt57Photo Uploader
@torstenhoff Wow, can't sneek anything past this guy!!
Torsten Hoff
Too many obvious problems.

Gear doors/missing gear, lighting on the plane doesn't match background, complete lack of prop blur, the ramp area is reflected in the spinner, slightt halo on outline of plane.
Greg Byington
It might be somewhere in Utah, but it is not KSLC.
Kurt57Photo Uploader
Yes, it is pretty simple to see that this is two photos stacked together. If you look at my other photos you will see this same photo of this plane sitting on the ground. The background is Box Elder County and the reason it says KSLC is where our hanger is. I was just having fun one day with my photos and created this.
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