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Grumman G-40 Avenger (N4171A)
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Grumman G-40 Avenger (N4171A)

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Sam... thanks for sharing this photo capture with us!

I've never been to an airshow where more than one of the Navy's Avengers was present. You have had the great fortune to catch three of these together!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
cliff, it was the 2nd annual avenger gathering in Peru IL, there were 17 scheduled to arrive but because of rain and low vis, only 7 showed up.
Sam... I should have looked closer at your FA photo library... there's more than three Avengers showing up!!!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
cliff, id love to see 17 of the 20 airworthy avengers in the world fly together...maybe next year the weather will be better.
ill be there again!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
7 TBM-3E and 3Us were on display but only 5 flew, 2 were static for the weekend, possibly maintenance
Thanks, Sam... and we will be looking forward to new Avenger photos a year from now!!!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
cliff, you should come up next year, about 100 miles SW of chicago
Sam... I'll try my best to make it there! Thanks!!!
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