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— — - Blue Angel #6 pulls up hard just past the end of the runway and over Lake Erie as he departs Burke Lakefront airport during a practice prior to the Cleveland National Air Show over Labor Day weekend, 2014.
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Blue Angel #6 pulls up hard just past the end of the runway and over Lake Erie as he departs Burke Lakefront airport during a practice prior to the Cleveland National Air Show over Labor Day weekend, 2014.


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Torsten Hoff
All the white specs are seagulls. The risk of hitting or ingesting a bird has to be pretty high.
trevor griffis
Love seeing the blues at Burke!
wow neat!
sam kuminecz
Torsten...there called Lake Gulls up here by the Great Lakes
live by buffalo and there flying rats
ken kemper
Great Shot .....action !!
Lonnie Penner
Great shot!!!


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