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Douglas DC-3 (turbine) (C-GJKB)
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Douglas DC-3 (turbine) (C-GJKB)

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Alan Hume
Again, it might have been a DC-3 once upon a time, but today it's a Basler BT-67. As Wikipedia says: "The conversion includes fitting the airframe with new Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67R turboprop engines, lengthening the fuselage, strengthening the airframe, upgrading the avionics, and making modifications to the wings' leading edges and wing tips." It's a modern rendition of an old favourite. Long may they fly!
melvyn jamieson
I was very fortunate to have worked for Atlas Aircraft Corporation in South Africa a long time ago and the first aircraft I worked on was one of the many DC 3's belonging to the South African Airforce.
To see this conversion or update shows what a perfect design this is. They will outlive the 737 and again become the most built aircraft type.
I must look up the company and I wonder why they invested so much money and see what they do if anyone knows it would interesting to hear.
Long may she fly. Mel.
Deseja um histórico completo para C-GJKB a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
Data Aeronave Origem Destino Partida Chegada Duração
7 de Mar de 2025 DC3TYellowknife ()Resolute Bay () 14:19 MST 19:44 CST (?) 4:24
7 de Mar de 2025 DC3TInt'l de Calgary ()Yellowknife () 08:58 MST 13:06 MST 4:08
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