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serge LOTH
Is it still flying??? for my info???
Not still flying, but maybe soon again flying: I've read in german magazine Flugrevue, that she shall do her last flight from Sproat Lake to the B.C. Aviation Museum (approx. 200 km).
Gareth Cook
Saw this one land in Vancouver Harbour.
Robert Sloane
John Wood
This is the "Hawaii Mars", one of the last two of these that can still fly. t's supposed to be scheduled to fly from Sproat Lake to Patricia Bay on August 10th or 11th, where it will go on permanent display at the BC Aviation Museum. Hope to see it in the air for the last time!! Watch their social media for details.
Great picture. I was fortunate to see both the Hawaii Mars and the Philippine Mars at Coulson's facility on Sproat Lake in 2014.
Ryan Basile
My kind of plane!
David Maranda
She flew Friday for a couple hours. Ripping arpund Sproat Lake, Shaking everything out. Another 2 hours scheduled today. The crew must have had a blast. 7,000 man hours prepping for flight!
David Maranda
Flew Friday for 2 hour shake down. 6,000 man hours of prep time. Ripping around Sproat Lake. Another 2 hrs scheduled today. Crew must have had a blast.
Joe Lewis
Robert Herron
Will the remaining one go to the Pima Air and Space Museum?
Check out U-Tube for latest test run.
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