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REPUBLIC Seabee (N398CM)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

REPUBLIC Seabee (N398CM)

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William Camp
The only one of these I have ever touched was a mess of a project. This one is GORGEOUS!
Paul Wisgerhof
Three ratings required for one plane: seaplane, retractable gear, and tail dagger.
Viv Pike
And it still looks like an old Volkswagen T-1 Pick-up (Kombi) from the 1950's
Tim Segulin
Looks like you could go anywhere with this ingenious little plane. Picture show it off well.
Rick Smail
That is a BEAUTIFUL Seabee!!! I owned a Seabee in the early 70's and still have a soft spot in my heart for the type. This seaplane has all the good stuff. Wide spray rails, extended wings, Dobbinspeck wingtips and best of all a GSO-480 instead of the Franklin. I wonder if the inside is as nice as the outside.
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