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De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Mk1 Beaver (N471PM) - Ketchikan, AK on July 13, 2016 my husband and I took a Misty Fjords flight with Carlin Air Tours. To say it was fabulous is an understatement. N471PM is a beauty and as pilots ourselves, we were impressed with the performance and the plane. We did a beautiful water landing and taxied to a lone dock at the shoreline when another beautiful round engine joined us. The Carlin Air folks were great and the sights we saw were breathtaking beyond belief!
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De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Mk1 Beaver (N471PM)

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Ketchikan, AK on July 13, 2016 my husband and I took a Misty Fjords flight with Carlin Air Tours. To say it was fabulous is an understatement. N471PM is a beauty and as pilots ourselves, we were impressed with the performance and the plane. We did a beautiful water landing and taxied to a lone dock at the shoreline when another beautiful round engine joined us. The Carlin Air folks were great and the sights we saw were breathtaking beyond belief!


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What? When? Where? Love the picture but no story, no stars.
Janet GritterPhoto Uploader
Sorry, here’s the story: Ketchikan, AK on July 13, 2016 my husband and I took a Misty Fjords flight with Carlin Air Tours. To say it was fabulous is an understatement. N471PM is a beauty and as pilots ourselves, we were impressed with the performance and the plane. We did a beautiful water landing and taxied to a lone dock at the shoreline when another beautiful round engine joined us. The Carlin Air folks were great and the sights we saw were breathtaking beyond belief!
Roy Hunte
Janet GritterPhoto Uploader
Thank you Roy!


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