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Martin WB-57 (N927NA)
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Martin WB-57 (N927NA)

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Colin Seftel
What is that?
Hawk Moore
One of 3 NASA's WB-57 high altitude platforms.
It's a 1963 NASA WB-57F, based on the earlier B-57 Canberra.

Wow! So many mods its a different plane.
patrice vivien
These aircraft were used during Shuttle launches to provide video and photos of the ascent.
It's interesting how many people see the video/photos and attribute them to being recorded from the International Space Station.
I flew that exact plane in the 60s. It's nice to see it still flying. The Canberra/B-57 platform served in many different types of missions. It was a very versatile platform.
John Rumble
and a great shot....
Pierre Cantin
Au premier coup d'oeil, j'ai cru reconnaître un AVRO CF-100 !
Barkley Bonine
Beautiful. I haven't seen the RB57 since the old days at KAFB. I didn't know the WB57 didn't have the "loiter" engines outboard from the big fans. Thanks for the photo
Richard Ashley
WB57 out of Ellington ELG and operated by NASA for high altitude weather reconnaissance
Stunning photo of a rare sight. Thanks for posting this so we can all see it.
serge LOTH
Pour Pierre CANTIN l'AVRO 100 a un plan fixe médian du la dérive et les réacteurs sont plus prés du fuselage.. mais c'est vrai que vu comme ça... c'est trompeur.
Joel Bishop
Used to see it parked by us in San Jose, Costa Rica. Talked to a tech that said it was also used for sampling the atmosphere above the equatorial regions when it flew out of San Jose.
ken kemper
Awesome pic of such a fine vintage 1950's era jet.
ken kemper
Awesome photo of the WB-57. Keep it flying !
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