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DASSAULT-BREGUET Mirage F1 (N618AX) - Summer 2020 shot of a fleet of F1 Mirages
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Summer 2020 shot of a fleet of F1 Mirages


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John Giambone
Awesome Shot Keith!
ken kemper
Very Superb Photo Keith.......

I have never seen a F1 Mirage......
Harry Kort
Mirages with US registrations?
Keith MillerPhoto Uploader
@Harry - Yes these were purchased and overhauled from the French Air Force by Airborne Tactical Advantage Company to fly on contract with the US Military for adversarial air services.
Amir Begloei
Great shot of the French bird!
What is the red can under N601AX? Is that where they sump the fuel?
The red one looks like the one that crashed on Tyndall Air Force Base in February. Back seater ejected but parachute didn't open all the way and he hit the concrete taxiway hard. He survived. Front seater didn't eject and sustained back injury, also survived.
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