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William Camp
Suddenly I have the urge to go on vacation. Absolutely beautiful shot
G Zorbas
Absolutely stunning photograph. Nice one Manuel.
manuel silvaPhoto Uploader
Thank you William and G Zorbas for your kind comments.
De Havilland Canada Dash 7...only 150 were built.
David Restrick
Where is the nose gear?
Samuel Bixler
I think we're seeing it from behind on takeoff-- nose gear is hidden by the fuselage.
marylou anderson
What a great shot!
manuel silvaPhoto Uploader
Thanks to all for your comments. The photo of the Dash 7 was taken at sunrise after takeoff from Rwy 09.
terry kelsey
Manuel,the cockpit crew must have experienced one the best perks of being a pilot.A great photo !!!
jim garrity
Those "blood red" sunrise's I've seen the EU, always worth a picture. It seems you can see them everywhere, except the good 'ol USA on a regular basis! Great shot Manuel.
manuel silvaPhoto Uploader
Thank you Jim, nice of you.


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