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Boeing 727-100 (N7001U) - The first B727 built and now owned by Museum of Flight makes a taxi test on Rwy 16R on 2/22/16.  The aircraft is a B727-22 (ln 1 / cn 18293).
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Boeing 727-100 (N7001U)

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The first B727 built and now owned by Museum of Flight makes a taxi test on Rwy 16R on 2/22/16. The aircraft is a B727-22 (ln 1 / cn 18293).


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Cool, but would be nice if you had info
It will fly from KPAE to KBFI and the Museum of Flight soon, possibly on 3/1/16.
Fantastic Leland, I can't wait to see her fly.
Gary Schenauer
Leland ... What a fanTABulous catch!!! I am waaaay envious!! TEN stars (if it were possible; I'd vote twice). Thank you very, very much for sharing this great capture with us!!! * * * * *
Is there a "Like" button to hit on this one?

Looks like it's "Hushkitted" too.

Leland, thanks for sharing this capture with us!
Dwight Hartje
Outstanding shot and catch!
Deseja um histórico completo para N7001U a partir de 1998? Compre agora. Comece dentro de uma hora.
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