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N151MW — - A P-51D named :Lady Alice" being transported from Hickam AFB to Pearl Harbor.  "Lady Alice" was towed with four other WWII era aircraft through the heart of Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH) in a most unusual parade through JBPHH housing after spending three weeks on O'ahu while participating in the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day activities.  "Lady Alice" will be loaded onto the USS Essex and shipped back to the mainland.
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N151MW —

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A P-51D named :Lady Alice" being transported from Hickam AFB to Pearl Harbor. "Lady Alice" was towed with four other WWII era aircraft through the heart of Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH) in a most unusual parade through JBPHH housing after spending three weeks on O'ahu while participating in the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day activities. "Lady Alice" will be loaded onto the USS Essex and shipped back to the mainland.


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Tom Glass
That'd be a treat to see!
jesse kyzer
Constructed as a 1945? P-51D-30-NT by North American at Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Gavin Hughes
Great! Now if you could arrange for a Tomcat...
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