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Airbus A319 (C-FZUH) - Portrait shot of the Air Canada retro taxiing for a 06L departure.br /Update: March 2021, this aircraft now WFU and most likely sitting in the desert waiting to be parted out or scrapped. On a bright note though, Air Canada have painted one of their new A220-300's in this retro scheme and soon to take to the air!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png média / grande / tamanho real

Airbus A319 (C-FZUH)

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Portrait shot of the Air Canada retro taxiing for a 06L departure.
Update: March 2021, this aircraft now WFU and most likely sitting in the desert waiting to be parted out or scrapped. On a bright note though, Air Canada have painted one of their new A220-300's in this retro scheme and soon to take to the air!


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frank theriault
I remember TCA from when I was a kid! I also remember when they switched to AC, how "modern" and fresh it looked to our eyes. Man, this takes me back. Great retro look. Wonderful capture!
Uwe Zinke
very nice Mark!!
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