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Airports want you to come hang out — even without a flight
American airports might not be the first place you would think to go shopping or grab a bite to eat. But as many major locations splurge on renovations, they’re encouraging travelers to take advantage of their revitalized spaces, even if they don’t have a flight to catch. Orlando International Airport has a new day-pass program that will let you do just that, joining a handful of other facilities around the country blurring the lines between terminals and shopping malls. The visitor program,… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Surprised no-one mentioned the WP paywall
I was just about to... didn't even bother reading
Adding people who are in no hurry to catch a flight to the already insufferable TSA lines? What could go wrong?
Notice how difficult it is to tell the inside of an airport from a shopping mall these days.
Given a choice between fast, efficient transportation and increasing vendors' sales through higher store traffic, which do you think they'll choose?
Given a choice between fast, efficient transportation and increasing vendors' sales through higher store traffic, which do you think they'll choose?
Some of the best restaurants I've found are around Fla. at small strips.
Not only that Breweries and also like spotting lounges
Nowadays, maybe on a nice day at a GA airport