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Delta pushes airlines to create a national 'no fly' list of unruly passengers, after banning 1,600 people from its flights

Delta wants a national "no fly" list of unruly passengers, it said in a memo seen by Reuters. Delta has put 1,600 passengers on its own "no fly" list, it said in the memo. "A list of banned customers doesn't work as well if that customer can fly with another airline," it said. Delta Air Lines wants to create a national "no fly" list of banned passengers to prevent unruly behaviour onboard aircraft. The carrier has pushed other US airlines to share… ( More...

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David Smyth 29
Just do it already. Someone starts a bar fight, the get banned. Long overdue
Anne Bracken 19
Flying is a priviledge not a right. Dust off your manners…it can’t be that hard, can it?

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Peter Fuller 27
An airline offers a contract of carriage which you, as a prospective passenger, have a right to either agree to by purchasing a ticket, or to walk away from by choosing another airline, or another mode of public transportation, or using your own private transportation, or by staying home. Both you and the airline have obligations, privileges, and limited rights under the contract. You, the prospective passenger, have no absolute right to fly.
Well said and accurate.
skylab72 3
NOT a "right"! Public health has overridden personal convenience in common law since the Black Plague, in USA Federal law since 1778 (George Washington signed the law), and settled USA case law since 1807. Tyranny kills 700,000. Inconvienance inflames indignation in spoiled brats.
sconklan -1
Covid 19 is hardly the Black Plague.

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I worked in the airline industry for over 25 years and have never seen or heard the things that are being allowed to go on today. This is unacceptable and totally out of hand. Thank you Delta Airlines for stepping up to the plate.
And you are certainly entitled to your opinion but I stand by what I wrote thanks

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And your source of data for your assertion? Because UAL and DOD published a study of this issue that says exactly the opposite.
Gregg Bender 29
As a retired airline supervisor, I support this. I had people throw things at me, spot at me, and cock back to punch me. In that case, he realized that I was much bigger than he was and well muscled from pitching bags on the ramp and changed his mind. I'm built like a linebacker.
I still giggle are that one.

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paul trubits -1
Go 49ers!
Dave Mathes 19 we're talkin' about something worthwhile!... put civility back into traveling...

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Gregg Hales 32
Worldwide, not just national. Make it law, and watch how fast people will learn respect. If you don't like the rules, don't fly to start with.
Daniel Gless 9
They are incapable of respect! Make it a L A W!.

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Jaime Franco 1
Come on ! give me a break. That is a BS.
About time!
Tom Waller 8
This is precisely what will curtail the rampant disrespect of innocent conscientious and respectful passengers.
I think is sad that this is what we have come to. My last flight a woman was ticked because she couldn’t get a window seat. She hadn’t paid for one but felt she should have it. She was horrible to the attendants who were really trying to be nice. I have the utmost respect for the attendants and how they handled the situation. As much as I hate to admit it, maybe being an obnoxious passenger deserves to be on the no fly list.

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Huck Finn -9
Oh and don't forget the passenger who doesn't agree with you politically and is wearing a MAGA hat or t-shirt.
Elam Chirino 1
Always remember that fact !
Cindy Doll 9
Just happen to be watching Nightline as I type, (10-1-21) and this is the lead story. When I see these individuals behaving like savages, I am so appalled at their total lack of respect and have absolutely to regard for their fellow man. I agree there should be a law enforced, along with "do not fly" on their record.

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Cleffer 11

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Lucinda Mason 3
No problem with a list such as this, however, it seems to me there needs to be a way to get your flying privileges back at some point. A large fine might work, or a number of flightless years with an ending date. I love my freedom as much as anyone, but people should know how to behave but I think banning people for life is a little over the top. Not trying to defend these jerks, but everybody has a bad day occasionally.
Rick VanSice 3
No argument there. I agree privileges should be restored, but, only after the person has: paid fine(s), shall not fly for 1 year (for first offense), and attend anger management class (if said anger was directed at mask requirement by airline); if intoxication was involved, then appropriate class / probation period be successfully completed as well. It is just too easy for these people to become belligerant bumpkins and expect forgiveness without penalty.
I guess the "Fasten seat belts" and "No smoking" lights are also a violation of your "personal" rights too.
What a bunch of whiners.Hopefully, there aren't any flight crew watching. Maybe they have a list of their own.
I agree with Delta,put out a National No Fly List Worldwide!
Chuck Lavazzi 5
Makes me even more inclined to fly Delta. Our experiences with them have always been positive, at least as far as things within their control are concerned.
Paul Gray 4
There already is a national No Fly List administered by DHS, with some degree of adjudication, which I’m sure DL hasn’t thought through. I’m sure if the offender’s behavior rises to the level of law enforcement intervention, they will be no-fly listed. A blanket No Fly lifetime decision is not the America I know!
Huck Finn 8
There is also the consideration of 'due process' that seems to be ignored.
a1brainiac 3
M20ExecDriver 3
I like the jail time and five figure fines better. Nothing gets one attention like a wage garnishment and some time in the lockup.
Dan Grelinger 0
Yes! That would make it worse than rape!
skylab72 1
Good point! Make Rape a minimum of five years jail time and a six-figure fine!!
requiring all passengers to be vaccinated will cut down on these crazy folks significantly. guarantee it.
J B 2
It probably should be done (for egregious or repeat offenders) but would require some kind of independent appeal procedure as well as a national or international system, the cost of which carriers would add to airfare. The episodes disrupt and delay travel for other passengers as well as the airlines, so maybe repays the cost.
Edward Bardes 2
What about a worldwide "no fly" list?
Elam Chirino 1
Sometimes It just happens that cabin crewmembers aren't polite enough when addressing pax. Flying nowadays happens to be very streessing for many reasons, specially to crewmembers, but It is more to pax, Who get onboard A/C"in the hands of God". Addressing pax is quite a skill not every crewmember have been trained enough.
Elam Chirino 1
When an oxigen mask comes down in front of you during an emergency inflight, and you read somebody talking about "the right to wear that mask", then you understand why some people are just not fit to fly. It's all well instructed during taxi time.
Elam Chirino 1
Let's put It this way. Being O/B an A/C is not a joke. Even as Pax. Trying to be weird, funny or misbehaving O/B has consecuences when you are in a fuselage at 37.000 ft at 900 kph. That's what the rules are there for.
On the other hand, cabin crews mistreating pax happens and I must say, very very often in domestic & Int'l flghts. Nobody told me, I have seen It. So, there a line between misbehaviour and mistreatment. But let's be honest. A "no fly" list should be a policy for Iata & not Iata airlines. Even for Cessnas 172 carriers. Some people are just not fit to fly.
Chris B 1
No private corporation has a legal obligation to serve me or you.

I support Delta’s efforts here to make flying safe and comfortable for passengers and it’s staff.
Paul Grassel 1
Could not agree more, should have been done at the on-set of the first occurance.
mike bednar 1
'bout time!
Edward Bardes 1
Here's an idea:
Aircraft Surveillance Recorders on all commercial aircraft.
bs008 2
We already have that. CELLPHONES. And air marshals.
Adrian C 1
I flew AA last week and have to commend each and every one of there employees that I interacted with, you can tell from their tone that they are reading from a script that’s forced upon them, these are intelligent and good people and just because they serve drinks and collect trash doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the utmost respect.
I agree there’s some bad eggs out there,(passengers) and the entire mask bs is not helping, that worthless piece of rag strung around your face with is not going to cut it unless it’s a professional piece of filtration equipment, it’s purely frustration and for a majority of us proud Americans we’re just not used to being told what to do, we can see through this, as for the vaccine it’s a great choice for the free thinking, once again we are free to choose, that’s a privilege we have of being American, you get to decide and you stand by your choice.
I had covid, and to be honest it was no big deal, but sadly I have had close friends die from this miserable creation, my doctor told me that I have the best immunity possible, yet by the look of it I’m not going to be able to travel soon unless I get jabbed against something I already have protection from, why is that, maybe to protect others, possibly but what’s the difference, vaccination or natural immunity is apparently the same, please post positive replies to this, it’s not a pissing match against the for’s and against after all we’re all in this mess together.
Linda Allman 1
My sister was a flight attendant for many years but just accepted a ground position. Guess she doesn't want to be on the plane that crashes from this idiotic, selfish behavior :(
Go ahead and create the banned list.
Once it is established in stone as an official government process, it will eventually morph into a national identification of everyone who ever even sneezed in someone else’s direction.
Get on that govt. list and eventually it will be used to ID you as anything, including a domestic terrorist….this is how it begins…..good luck ever getting yourself off that list since once on any list like this, it’s permanent. There is no court of appeals for a government list.
William Mihok 0
Right on!
Ken Jackson 0
My family and I will not fly again until these cretins are dealt with. Permanently.
John Macaulay 2
Are they really from the island of Crete?
Huck Finn 0
'Cretin'? a person whose mental and physical development has been impaired by a deficiency of thyroid hormone in fetal or early life. You certainly like to denigrate an individual who through the deficiency of thyroid hormone has caused them to have mental and physical development.
Elam Chirino 1
Have seen that type before. Awful type.
hornet135 -7
As if the government’s no fly list wasn’t enough of an overreach, this would make the situation even worse. Just another “list” that likely to be abused.
Edward Bardes 0
What do you mean "abused"?
hornet135 3
Abused by those maintain the list and determine who is put on the list.
John D -3
State your sources
hornet135 6
Sources? It’s called present reality. Currently, if you’re put on the actual no-fly list, there’s very little recourse to getting off of it, even if it’s due to an error. It will be no short task to be removed from the list. So no, I don’t think the addition of no-fly list for unruly passengers is a good idea.
Ken Jackson 0
When you are put on the No Fly List many will say “good riddance”.
hornet135 5
I’m no more likely than you to be put on a no-fly list, so I don’t know why you’re saying ‘goood riddance’. What exactly did I do to be worthy?
Dan Grelinger 5
If anyone needs a reason to see how/why this could be abused, just refer to Ken's post.
William Mihok -3
I will never fly on Delta!
They've got a little list. You won't be missed.
Peter Fuller 1
@AABABY: Love the Gilbert and Sullivan reference!
As an EP on AA, ITS ABOUT TIME something like this gets enacted. When I have to tell the FAs to come get me if there's an issue, it takes away from the flying experience. Airfares are too cheap. What's the punishment if they get refunded and just book a $90 airfare on the next airline? Let 'em hitchhike home. (Its also why I never fly Frontier Allegiant or Spirit)
John Macaulay 2
How do you pronounce Hluchanyk w/o injuring oneself;-)
I am a professional. Do not try this at home
William Mihok -2
You forget who pay your salary: The passengers' fares and the US Government tax payers (US)during the Wuhan Virus pandemic.
As a passenger, my business pays my salary. EP means Executive Platinum
Huck Finn -5
So you are a member of the elite who never sees an economy seat, has room for his feet and eats all the treats and his deals are so sweet, while the rest of us sit in back while the Nazi stews tell us to pull up our mask, cuss us if we ask for water. Pretty sweet deal mister executive privilege.
Youse gets whats youse pays for Huck. I get upgraded because i fly 160+ flights a year. Try it sometime. Not fun.
Rick VanSice 0
There should be a National Clearinghouse Listing of Unruly Passengers like these morons. Who is to say that one of these jerkweeds banned from one airline doesn't book on another and cause the same sort of headaches that got them banned from flying in the first place ? I say make a singular listing as mentioned and get on with it!!

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Dave Mathes 7
...and do you think anyone cares about your 'no-fly' list....?
Craig Good 0
If the TSA did this it would be the first useful thing the TSA has ever done.
Anon Anonymous -7
One wonders if any of the legacy US carriers care about the words “anti-trust collusion”?
That wouldn't apply here, this wouldn't be illegal as it wouldn't be fraud or similar.
Dan Grelinger 3
Collusion has never required 'fraud or similar'. It has only required... 'collusion'.
skylab72 -1
Nope. It is perfectly legal to collude on what you want for your next meal.

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Randy Manning -2
The Airline industries has turned Communist and dictators, alone with the MSM , all Marxist and communist liberal baster!
And you the people are acting like sheeps and taking it!! what Morons!
Huck Finn -2
Soon to come to America: Interstate highways will be monitored at the borders and spot checks for maskless drivers and armed guards will be checking vaccine passports to see who is complying with the government requirement to wear a mask. Funding for this program will be financed by fines on individuals who refuse to wear a face mask while driving their cars. Check points will be random with all traffic being funneled into 'mask check' zones. Get used to it, this is the America you voted for if you voted for Joe Biden.
John D 1
State your sources.

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Rick VanSice 3
Well Huck....the airlines are a business and as such is a private entity. Ergo, according to law, they CAN enact policies that may not be agreeable to those who wish to fly. If they mandate a mask, wear it....if not, go fly on another airline. If no airlines permit you to fly without a mask, drive to your destination. Bottom line....IT IS NOT ILLEGAL for an airline to mandate mask wearing. Sorry.

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Chuck Lavazzi 15
Excellent choice. The adults won't miss you.
skylab72 4
NOT a "right"! Public health has overridden personal convenience in common law since the Black Plague, in USA Federal law since 1778 (George Washington signed the law), and settled USA case law since 1807. Tyranny kills 700,000. Inconvienance inflames indignation in spoild brats.

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skylab72 8
I HAVE read the "14th". It applies but not like you seem to think. It provides "Equal protection under the law", meaning Public health has overridden personal convenience (by LAW, as cited above). Laws against risky behavior protect you against health threats equally with the folks who understand why they do. Ignorance of the Law is no excuse for breaking it.
Thank God someone who has all the facts THANKS !
William Mihok 0
I Agree

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Randy Manning -8
I, for one, will not fly on an airliner for 8 hours wearing a musk, my money will not go for communist dictators telling me to ware a musk! And you sheep out there, you dam Liberal sheep, go right ahead and give up your liberties and shut your mouth and take the vaccine shit! Morons.
and no one wants you on it either - take a boat

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Were actually the ones who fly every week. And if you did.. you'd be done with the delays too, more often hen not this is dumb people and drunks causing the most issues - DONT CARE YOU"RE WRONG comment on
Oh but you want a $59 airfare right?


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