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U.S senators introduce bill to reform aircraft certification after 737 Max crashes
A bipartisan group of U.S. senators introduced a bill on Tuesday to reform aircraft certification following two fatal Boeing 737 Max crashes. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
hurrah: the great mass (100) of uninformed, unfocused, headline-seeking busybodies have found a new quest: lots of interviews, hearings and quotes on fox, msnbc and other places- bumper-sticker debating points- all avoiding the primal fix-it point. That would be makeing the FAA well staffed and well-paid and competent enough to be able to say when a aircraft is safe to fly. NOt allowing boeing or any other maker to cheat and shortcut the process. The world does not trust the FAA's level of integrity any more than they trust the US senate to be honest or nonpartisan.
Reform has been needed for a long time. Where the "designated representative" philosophy once worked, it no longer does, due to ever-growing shareholder pressure on aircraft manufacturers to increase profitability and business schools' emphasis on same.
I don't get it, guys. What's so wrong about getting the fox out of the hen house?
More like the hen out of the Fox house
I believe it was George Carlin who said that when you see the word "bipartisan", all it means is that a greater than usual deception is being pushed.
Just what we need (rolling my eyes)